

I am a reader of books.  A player of video games.  An eater of food.  I came into this planet in 1985.  I am also more than slightly obsessed with my cats.  Jung would say I’m an INTJ with INFJ tendencies here and there.  The stars and sun say I’m an Aries on the Pisces cusp.  I am slightly educated.  I have my Associates in Applied Science and am working towards my Bachelors in Psychology.

I’m not exactly sure what I’m doing with this blog.  I read.  I read a lot.  I want to talk about the books I read, but find a lack of people to talk about books with.  I also used to write, a lot.  My own fiction and stuff.  I’ve always been told I write well and have a very strong voice.  SO, the other day it hit me… why don’t I write about what I read!

I want discussions.  I want questions and comments.  This is all new to me, this whole… “professional” blogging.  It’s a journey.

I’m also not very good at writing about myself.  I don’t know what people want to know about me.  So as you ask questions, I’ll update this “About Page”.

I have a lot of questions about this as well.  I find a lot of book bloggers read YA, and I’m not sure that’s a genre I find too interesting.  There may be some of that here and there, but don’t count on a lot.  I’m more of a scifi-thriller-action-suspense-murder mystery kinda gal. I do also read some non-fiction as well.

Would you like to know more?


  1. Okay, you may not want to post this… Us author types are a needy bunch and generally have egos the size of planets. You offer honest reviews etc. They send you books for free… you can even get advanced reader copies! Then as an added bonus, the author so pleased to be mentioned shares the review with his contacts and more traffic passes your way. If you don’t want to provide an address there are companies who mediate this with publishing houses, indie authors etc. Or request ebook format. I’m going to share your site anyway, when people are awake (UK based). Also have a chat with Kath from Reading Addicts… If you post the odd review on her site I’m sure she will put a link to your site with it. She is really cool and supportive, just tell her I suggested it.

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