Finished Reading: Hell House

By Richard Matheson

Hell House by Richard Matheson“Can any soul survive?
Regarded as the Mount Everest of haunted houses, Belasco House has witnessed scenes of almost unimaginable horror and depravity. Two previous expeditions to investigate its secrets met with disaster, the participants destroyed by murder, suicide or insanity. Now a new investigation has been mounted – four strangers, each with his or her own reason for daring the unknown torments and temptations of the mansion…” —

6/5/2015: I picked up this book as I participate (semi-regularly) in the Evil Book Club of Evil.  Feel free to join in on this one!  We’re pretty loosey-goosey about how we do things in this book club.

Book Review: Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter

Goodreads Rating: 4.06 stars
My Rating: 2 stars (I was being generous).
Recommendations: Don’t bother.

What I Liked: The author had a different take on zombies than anything I’ve read/seen before.
What I Didn’t Like: Almost everything else.

To be horribly truthful, this book was painful for me to get through. I picked it up because this years is the 150th anniversary of the publication of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Figured, Alice and Zombies… that has to be a pretty interesting read, right? No.

This books reads as if the author took writing tips from Stephenie Meyer. It read like a Twilight knock off. There was very little to do with the zombie part of things… and almost nothing of the Alice in Wonderland aspect. The only four references: the main character’s name was Alice (though she goes by Ali), one her friends went by the name Kat, Ali dressed as a gender-swapped Mad Hatter for Halloween, and that there were ominous white rabbit shaped clouds that somehow predicted something bad was going to happen. The latter was explained at some point. But I wasn’t happy with these references. Seriously.

And here come the spoilers…

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Book Review #1: FEED by Mira Grant

Goodreads Rating: 3.87 Stars
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
Recommendations:  Get this book.  Immediately. 

What I Liked:  The main characters, the setting, the pace, the formatting of story vs blog posts in the book.

What I Didn’t Like: Some of the “incorrect” science, a few things were overly repetitious, the big bag villain was a little too easy to pick up before the big surprise was revealed.

First, I’d like to start out by saying that by TBR list on Goodreads is getting a little out of control. I keep adding books and then forgetting that I have them there.  I had planned on grabbing a copy of the Count of Monte Cristo to read between semesters and needed something to fill the time before I picked it up.  So, perusing through my TBR list, I saw FEED.  It’s been on my list quite a while.  To the point that I’d forgotten when or why I added it and what it was about.

That being said, I thought this book was going to be about some psychopath feeding people to death while it would be live streamed on the internet.  There’s a movie about that right?  As impulsive as I am, I didn’t bother actually reading the synopsis of the book.  I just sent in the request to my local library.

A week later, picked up the book and finally read the back cover.  I was wrong.  This book isn’t about some dude trying to kill people.  It’s a post-apocalyptic zombie book!  I love zombie books!

But this isn’t quite your typical zombie book.  While the zombies hold a large presence in the story, it’s more of the backdrop.  Here is this world where humans have created a cure for the common cold.  They’ve also created a cure for cancer.  But those two cures didn’t interact well with each other.  ZOMBIES! The story follows Georgia and Shaun Mason, and Buffy, three professional bloggers that have teamed up to bring up the best news you can get. Each blogger has a specific role in their team: Georgia is the “Newsie”, she wants the cold, hard facts, and reports on just that; Shaun is the “Irwin” and goes out in the field to video tape himself poking zombies “for science!”;  Buffy is their technical support and the Fictional blogger, she deals with all of their equipment such as servers, cameras, recorders, etc… all while writing poetry about zombies. The three of them have the bases covered. Early on, they’re invited to cover a presidential election, because life is supposed to be as normal as possible, even when zombies are walking around.  And that’s where things start to go wrong.

About this point, there may be SPOILERS!!!  You may want to stop reading if you haven’t finished the book yet.  Or keep reading if you don’t mind spoilers…

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