Critical Thinking in Psychology

One of my last classes at uni. It’s a bit of reading, and I think I’ll actually enjoy this one. Logic debates around psychological issues in our current society! Anyone who knows me knows I love a good debate and the Devils Advocate. 

Side note: 104 days until graduation! 

Currently Reading: Parasite

parasite by Mira Grant
Science Fiction/Horror

“A decade in the future, humanity thrives in the absence of sickness and disease.

We owe our good health to a humble parasite – a genetically engineered tapeworm developed by the pioneering SymboGen Corporation. When implanted, the tapeworm protects us from illness, boosts our immune system – even secretes designer drugs. It’s been successful beyond the scientists’ wildest dreams. Now, years on, almost every human being has a SymboGen tapeworm living within them.

But these parasites are getting restless. They want their own lives…and will do anything to get them.” — Goodreads

1/5/16 : With as much as I loved the Newsflesh triology by the same Author, I couldn’t help myself from getting another book from her.  This has been sitting on my shelf for awhile and I thought it’d be a great way to start out 2017.  So far, it’s done is a much similar style as the previous books I’ve read by Grant.  We’ll see if she can keep up the story as well too.

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Thank Goodness for Good Friends and Goodreads

As most of you know, I am behind.  Not just on reading but actually writing out the book reviews of what I have read over the past year or so!  This is very bad.  After all, what’s the point of having a book review blog if I don’t post book reviews.

Thankfully, I’ve been using Goodreads to at least log and rate what I’ve read.  I have a list.  The fun part is trying to remember all the little things I’ve liked and disliked about books.  I also need to give a shout to my BFF, Zombilicious. For my birthday last year, she gave me a “Book Lover’s Journal” specifically made for me to jot down this stuff.  It’s small enough for me to carry in my handbag and I was able to write down a few books.  I will probably start with those.  For the rest, I may just have to re-read them… I can’t decide…

On the Docket for Review:

  1. Count of Monte Cristo, Alexander Dumas
  2. Seductive Poison, Debra Layton
  3. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
  4. Rumspringa, Tom Shachtman
  5. The Martian, Andy Weir
  6. Stardust, Neil Gaimen
  7. The Exorcist, William Peter Blatty
  8. Howl’s Moving Castle, Diana Wynne Jones
  9. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams

If there is something you’d like to see a review for before others, let me know!  Send a tweet to @Owl8bit and I’ll see what I can do!

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Welcome to 2017

First of all, I want to apologize for all those that read my reviews and other materials. 2016 kicked my butt. To recap that:

  • Jan-Apr : Super sick and finally a diagnosis. Menses induced Iron Deficiency Anemia. Started new supplement regime to try to balance my levels out. Not easy.
  • May-August :  went by too quickly. I took some fun college courses for my degree: Behavioral Neuroscience and Psycholinguistics. Really enjoyed those.
  • Sept-Dec : Took two of my most advanced classes for my degree and it really stomped my ass. My capstone class alone required reading 6-8 advanced research articles each week! Couples that with Advanced Psych Research and I had literally zero time for leisure reading.
  • Side Note: December 18th, I ran my first 5k in below freezing temps/windchill. It was a fun run and this not timed. My fella did time us and said we finished together in about 30 minutes. I’m really proud of myself for doing that. Can’t wait for more!

The Shirts Say It All

2017 is the start of my last semester until graduation.  April 29th! I’m so excited to be done with classes and to start looking for a big girl job.

Now, what I would love most from you, my Kittens, are some reading suggestions. What would you like me to review for you?!

Reading and Gaming Preview

Finding Time and Balance

There hasn’t been as much leisurely reading since the semester started. Trying to stay on top of my school work. I do read on the bus though. Two days a week, about 30-40 minutes each time. If I don’t fall asleep that is…  Currently about 63% of the way through the Count of Monte Cristo (and loving every moment of it! Why did I put off reading it for so long!!) 

Neuro Notes

Don’t mind the messy class notes. I’ll clean them up when I re-write them to include textbook info too…



This past semester has been a rough one.  I was really sick for a bit and its taken me longer to get back to “baseline” than I expected.  Leisurely reading definitely fell on the back burner.  I’ve been making quite a few changes and have been working on re-organizing myself.  I have been itching for a creative outlet again, which I’m guessing is a sign that I’m feeling more like my normal self than I have been these past few months.

If you follow me on Goodreads, you’ll see that I have been reading some, just not as much as I was before.  It’s been a bit of a slump.  I haven’t forgotten about this blog.  And I have a plan for 2016.  Thank you for staying with me and tune in for more reading escapades!


Movie Madness Monday


Welcome to the first installment of my new weekly Movie Madness Monday!  (I almost forgot I was doing this… >_>)

Working for a movie rental chain means I get to watch movies the weekend before they’re released on DVD on Tuesdays.  I must say that I’m not in the habit of watching movies.  I tend to be doing other things… for instance, my best friend was married this past weekend, so I was a little busy and didn’t get all the pre-streets watched.

The ones I did squeeze in:

  1. Skin Trade, featuring Dolph Lundgren, Tony Jaa, Ron Perlman, Michael Jai White, and Peter Weller.  Obviously, I watched this because of all those actors.  It was an okay movie.  I’d say I was entertained.  I felt that they watered down Tony Jai’s fighting style quite a bit.  Not sure if that’s because he was going up against someone the size of Dolph or not… but yeah.  I’ll give it 3/5 stars.
  2. Big Game, featuring Samuel L. Jackson and a bunch of other people that no one knows their names.  It’s one of our bigger titles and seemed more interesting than the others… at least to the Beau.  President of the USA gets shot down over Finland and is being hunted for sport while a young boy who has to spend 24 hours in the wild to prove he’s a man helps save the day.  This was another okay movie.  Kinda had a bit of a Homeward Bound feel to it… like it’s meant for pre-teens or something.  There’s some action and explosions and guns and Sammy L. Jackson.  Not too bad.  Another 3/5 stars.
  3. Plague, featuring no one.  Really.  It’s another zombie movie.  I couldn’t pay attention.  Low budget, bad acting.  We didn’t finish it.  I was tired.  The Beau was tired.  We gave up.  Don’t bother with this one unless it ends up on Netflix and you literally have nothing else to watch.  In fact, go re-watch Fido or Evil Dead.  Or check out my next list for some not-so-new releases for suggestions.  Plague gets 1/5 stars. Can I give 0 stars?  This is probably a 0/5 stars.

Now for some better movie suggestions since this list kinda sucks:

  1. Ex Machina.  Didn’t recognize any other actors in it.  That was perfectly fine.  This movie was done by the guys that did 28 Days Later.  That’s the only reason I grabbed it.  That and robots.  You know me and science fiction.  This movie is like watching three people play chess without actually seeing the chess board.  The ending was absolutely perfect.  OMG.  Spend the money and rent this movie.  Or just buy it.  WORTH IT!  5/5 stars.
  2. The Kingsmen, Secret Service.  This has Colin Firth in his first ever action movie.  I looked up the trivia.  He wanted this role.  He trained for it.  And did 80% of his own stunts in this movie.  If you’ve seen… remember that church scene?!  One take.  The fucking shot that entire scene in one take.  Woah.  And then there’s Samuel L. Jackson with a lisp.  This movie is a perfect balance of action, snark, serious stuff, and really just everything.  It was balanced and the ending is just… mind blowing… 5/5 stars.

Oh, and a movie that really pissed me off: Maggie, starring the Arnold and Abigail Breslin.  FINALLY ARNOLD IS IN A ZOMBIE MOVIE! I was so excited to watch this movie.  It’s not an action movie.  At all.  It’s more about the family aspects of the zombie apocalypse.  What would you do if your daughter became infected?  There is really only one ending… the question is the method… It’s definitely more of the touchy feely, omg emotions side of the end of the world.  I mean, I suppose it did a great job at showing that but I wanted to see Arnold slaying.  It didn’t happen.  A couple zombies here and there but yeah… And this movie was a goddamn tease.  You think it’s finally getting somewhere, that something is finally going to happen… and……..

Have you seen any of these movies?  What did you think?  Leave a comment below, send me a tweet @Owl8bit, or a message on Tumblr!

All Work No Play…

IMG_1889With the change in jobs, I’ve been doing what I can to pick up more hours and all that fun stuff. And since it’s for a movie rental place, I’ve been trying to watch some of the latest movies that are out on DVD so I can actually give honest suggestions to customers and whatnot. This hasn’t left much time for reading. I’m about half way through Blackout and I’m loving every moment of it.

In a couple weeks I’ll start college courses again. At that point, I’ll re-evaluate my “schedule” and figure out how to squeeze in 1-2 hours of reading each day.

So my question to you now: Do you want my movie ratings/suggestions? I was debating doing a quick list once a week. A perk of the job is that we get to watch all the movies that are coming out the weekend before they’re released on Tuesday. I could do a Movie Monday thing! Oh, brainstorming while I type. Haha. What do you think? Leave me a comment, shoot me a tweet (@Owl8bit) or hit up my Tumblr and leave me a message. Hope to hear from you soon!

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by Mira Grant
Science Fiction/Horror

“Shaun Mason is a man without a mission. Not even running the news organization he built with his sister has the same urgency as it used to. Playing with dead things just doesn’t seem as fun when you’ve lost as much as he has.

But when a CDC researcher fakes her own death and appears on his doorstep with a ravenous pack of zombies in tow, Shaun has a newfound interest in life. Because she brings news-he may have put down the monster who attacked them, but the conspiracy is far from dead.

Now, Shaun hits the road to find what truth can be found at the end of a shotgun.”Goodreads

I read this book far too fast.  Don’t worry, I took notes for my review.  There were just a few things that bothered me (though as I’m reading the third and final book in the series, it kinda makes sense).  I totally called the surprise ending, though I expected that part to happen sooner in the book than later.  And I’m fairly certain I’m in love with Dr. Abbey.  Check back soon with my review…  

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